I installed this on my xbull winch to replace the red rope it came with, the red rope was turning pink, so i decided it was time to turn the old stuff into a winch rope extension. The new winch rope is nice stuff overall, I like that it comes with bit of winch rope protector sleeve. It has a little bit of a stitching going through to rope to hold it in place, but it looks easy enough to undo if i ever need to move the protection sleeve around. I also added another couple leads of the protection sleeve to the rope before installation, sometimes it's nice to have a few points. Plus the sleeve protects the rope from long term uv damage. Doing a quick test with it, just pulling the jeep up a hill to set the rope on the spool i don't forsee any issues. I also like how this one has the red warning section to let you know you're getting close to the end of the spool and in the danger area. I'm a big fan of synthetic winch line, the old xbull stuff i abused pretty well. It can do stuff a steel cable can't, and it's a lot less likely to kill you. For the price, i don't cringe too hard when doing stuff like running the winch line from the front, right under the vehicle, and then pull the vehicle backwards! That was also the final \"hey lets replace the xbull line\" after i had to do that once... lol