I am very unhappy with your company. I have written several replies and keep getting the same information back. You must have a video to proceed, I sent a video and then your companies response was that the video could not be looked at by your company. As I stated several times in my previous replies I have over 60 years experience using can openers just like the one that I bought from you but " IT WILL NOT WORK" I have tried multiple times to open different can sizes and I have NOT been able to open one!!! I handle is extremely hard to turn when there is a can in the operating position It takes two hands to be able to attempt to turn the handle and it still cannot be done. I've even had someone else ( my -son-in-law) try to open a can and he could not either. Truthfully I would really like to be able to use the one that I got from you but it is impossible to use. Most companies that I have dealt with go out of their way to resolve an issue like this but that has NOT BEEN MY EXPERIENCE with your company. Also if you notice I gave one star to 3 of the feature ratings I would have gone lower but there was not a lower rating available. If I hear of someone thinking about purchasing something from your company I will do my best to tell them to go somewhere else to make their purchase. return request # 2135166